~ ..la Volpe Funambola ammazzaprincipi.. ~
~ Fragile ~

"...Sometimes it feels it would be easier to fall
than to flutter in the air with these wings so weak and torn..."

Original Blog -> Nepenthe

- EviLfloWeR -

* photos on flickr *
Lunacy 2 - Lunacy 3 - Lunacy 4
Lunacy 5 - Lunacy 6 - Lunacy 7 - Lunacy 8
Lunacy Ph

"Do asilo dentro di me come a un nemico che temo d’offendere,
un cuore eccessivamente spontaneo
che sente tutto ciò che sogno come se fosse reale;
che accompagna col piede la melodia
delle canzoni che il mio pensiero canta,
tristi canzoni, come le strade strette quando piove.

- F. Pessoa -


- We’re going nowhere...All the way to nowhere –

"Forse sono l’uomo con le leggendarie quattro mani
Per toccare, per curare, implorare e strangolare.
Ma io non so chi sono,
e tu ancora non sai chi sono..."

F. R.

martedì 14 febbraio 2012

Buon anniversario...

...amor mio.

"Walk with me
And see the world I see
It is our home
It’s where we all belong

Life is flair
A brittle dress we wear
A fleeting sigh
But though pointless it may seem...
Live as death were but a dream

You don’t have to walk their way
You don’t have to watch the show
You don’t have to play their game
And you don’t have to die to leave entropia

All remains...
Forgotten smiles in frames
Two fleeting lives cut down to pocket-size

Walk with me
And change the world we see
We’ll cease to be
Just people passing by
Home is where we all get by

You don’t have to cry for more
You don’t have to have it all
You don’t have to win a war
If death is but a dream
Then don’t let me...

...fall asleep."

(PoS - Leaving Entropia)

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