~ ..la Volpe Funambola ammazzaprincipi.. ~
~ Fragile ~

"...Sometimes it feels it would be easier to fall
than to flutter in the air with these wings so weak and torn..."

Original Blog -> Nepenthe

- EviLfloWeR -

* photos on flickr *
Lunacy 2 - Lunacy 3 - Lunacy 4
Lunacy 5 - Lunacy 6 - Lunacy 7 - Lunacy 8
Lunacy Ph

"Do asilo dentro di me come a un nemico che temo d’offendere,
un cuore eccessivamente spontaneo
che sente tutto ciò che sogno come se fosse reale;
che accompagna col piede la melodia
delle canzoni che il mio pensiero canta,
tristi canzoni, come le strade strette quando piove.

- F. Pessoa -


- We’re going nowhere...All the way to nowhere –

"Forse sono l’uomo con le leggendarie quattro mani
Per toccare, per curare, implorare e strangolare.
Ma io non so chi sono,
e tu ancora non sai chi sono..."

F. R.

venerdì 24 giugno 2011


Sunday, June 29, 2008 - ore 00:37

"Hers is the head upon which all the ends of the world are come,
and the eyelids are a little weary..."

( Katatonia - Deliberation )

Visions come
Visions come
In a sickroom bed
There’s something left to learn
Pass them on
Let it show
Let the rich meet death
Confront our own concern

See us sleep behind the glass
Unaware of crime
Will you wake us up before it is time

The red circle holds the only light
Break down my perspective
And notify everyone when the time is right
My mouth remains inactive

So when you let me in
You let me justify my own reward
You put your hands on me
And I learn the words I didn’t know before

I am ice
I am clear
Let the world be cold
Our deliberation
Pass them on
Let it show
Let the words come slow
Your constant incantation

Repeating cycle of light/no light
There’s nothing in the airspace
There’s no one in the airspace
Repeating cycle of love/no love

So when you let me in
You let me justify my own reward
You put your hands on me
And I learn the words I didn’t know before

- Deliberation -

( Katatonia - My Twin )

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